Monday, October 6, 2014

Song of the week!!

Ok this week song is…… 

White Boots-- Jamie Grace 

This song is all about eating for the "right one". Also not going out and dating every guy or girl who looks at you flirtatiously. 

"I got my white boots, my white dress and I ain't gettin them dusty" 

Quick break down of that. Ok? Ok! 

I got my white boots 
So basically you are playing the waiting game. Just waiting for God to send you the right one. Patience is key here. XD 

My white dress
Ok, I've got everything planned out on my Pinterest board labeled "wedding" or "big day". I swear every teenage girl with Pinterest has one of thoes, even me. So you have everything "ready" now come on God send me the right guy. 

And I ain't gettin' them dusty
You are not going to chase every "hot" or "handsome" guy down. Lord have mercy, you gotta keep that imaginary Pinterest dress clean. Because every time you date someone with that mindset you get your clean heart dirty and you give a pice of it to that person. So basically gaurd your heart 

So now go listen to that song, and enjoy every last second of it. 

Y'all come back now! Ya hear? 

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